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Pray for the Year of Gengzi: A charity auction by Chinese artists

Tutuhaoyi 庚子祈愿 王煜宏 COVID-19
Posted in auction

In February 2020, Shanghai artist Yuhong Wang, coordinating with other Chinese artists and galleries, called for an initiative for a charity auction in light of COVID-19 epidemic in China.

The ‘Standing Together Through Thick and Thin: A Charity Auction to Combat the Epidemic’ has received 187 pieces of artworks donated by art institutions and galleries, and 99 pieces of works by artists. In March 2020, the auction has successfully sold 248 pieces and achieved a total of RMB12,213,800 (equiv. USD$1.75 million).

Here is one of the artworks donated by the artist Yuhong Wang- Pray for the Year of Geng Zi (庚子祈愿- 国泰民安), oil painting on canvas, 26x33cm.

A fruit plate with motifs of Ruyi and eight auspicious treasures, made in Tongzhi Reign, Qing Dynasty, is placed above an ancient book with auspicious blessings. It is a traditional pattern carried forward from the previous reigns, which implies praying for the continuum of life. The ink stone and the porcelain stand, both from Qing dynasty, matches each other. The stand is decorated with colourful dragon patterns, which wishes for a successful career.

Wang says, ‘Nowadays, the patterns of Chinese porcelain with profound meanings have gradually faded into fragments in our memories. Through the interweaving of time and space in my painting, I hope to remind everyone of us that in the ancient calligraphy we used to hold awe to the nature and the compassion for life. I wish for peace and prosperity in 2020!’ (王煜宏说: “如今,网络打破了时空限制,但有着美好寓意的中国瓷器纹样却逐渐消退成为记忆中的残片。借由绘画中的时空交错,我想通过瓷器与纹样的描绘,唤回那古老的书写中,对自然的敬畏与对生命的悲悯,愿庚子年国泰民安。”


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