Over the last few years, Chinese artist Yuhong Wang has produced a series of oil paintings that were inspired from the famous screen Yinzhen (who became Yongzheng Emperor later)’s Twelve Beauties 胤禛十二美人图. They are subsequently selected into the printing of a table calendar for 2022. Here are some selected pages from this artistic album. If you are interested in her other works, please contact us here.
王煜宏,1972年生,工作生活于上海。现为中国美术家协会会员,上海美术家协会理事,上海海事大学徐悲鸿学院客座教授,出版有《中国礼物》上海书画出版社,《王煜宏作品集》上海画报出版社,作品收藏于上海美术馆、上海文史研究馆、刘海粟美术馆、徐汇艺术馆、上海明圆美术馆等, 及美国、欧洲等艺术机构和私人藏家。近期展览2021《曙光》/上海,《时间棱镜》/上海,2020《七星 3》/柏林,2019《青龙镇》/伦敦。
Images and curriculum content provided by Yuhong Wang